Infinite Quest
The writings, videos, and photographs presented on this internet web site are for the inquiring mind that is unsatisfied with the standard intellectual diet being fed to the general public. A menu that consists of a steady stream of prefabricated events, contrived histories, and regurgitated thoughts. Otherwise, the extruded intellect of a processed society that’s totally subordinated, contained, and submissive. Here, our quest for knowledge is as infinite as the universe itself. Never ending and encompassing many facets of thought, totally profound and provocative. We investigate areas considered off limits to the conventional mindset, as we confront issues that are taboo and too exotic for standardized intellectualism.
I invite others who also question the existing paradigm to join in and submit their own thoughts in any form transmittable. Be it art, music, literary criticism, or video. Let the viewers ingest your line of reasoning. Your contribution is welcome. There are no limitations on topics to examine as the world we exist doesn’t create rules or borders to the creative mind. Infinity Quest sets out to examine all subject manners confronting humanity, whether it’s contemporary or historic, we won’t bypass any topic considered interesting or thought provoking. Submission guidelines vary as the flow of thought is symmetrical and interactive. No barriers exist in the telling of sacred knowledge and stories. Any research can be worthwhile.
These are our initial efforts to uncover secrets, hidden passages of thought that will illuminate the techniques of containment and elite governance. I hope that viewers to this web site can assist in revealing hidden truths that maintain our mundane existence and aid in the emancipation of spirit from the concreteness of state sponsored religions and culturally accepted norms.
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